Prepare Now for CVSA Brake Safety Week

It’s that time again! CVSA Brake Safety Week will take place Aug 20-26.     The focus of this year’s Brake Safety Week is on the condition of the brake lining and pads. Vehicles found to have brake-related out-of-service violations will be placed out of service and removed from our roadways until those violations are corrected. 
Prepare for Safety Week - Break Pads & Linings

It’s that time again! CVSA Brake Safety Week will take place Aug 20-26.  
The focus of this year’s Brake Safety Week is on the condition of the brake lining and pads. Vehicles found to have brake-related out-of-service violations will be placed out of service and removed from our roadways until those violations are corrected. 

During the 2022 Brake Safety Week event, more than 38,000 commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) were inspected, and just under 5000 of them were placed out of service for brake safety-related issues.  
Performing brake inspections should be a part of your daily vehicle inspection. 


  • Did you know that performing a daily brake test can help make sure the brake system is working properly?  
  • Did you know fanning the brakes down to 0psi allows the slack adjusters to readjust for any slack in the pushrod travel? 
  • Did you know your low-pressure warning alarm and light should come on if the air pressure drops to or below 60psi?  

During the week, inspectors will:  

  • Check for missing, non-functioning, loose, or cracked parts.  
  • Listen for audible air leaks around brake components and lines.  
  • Ensure the brake system maintains air pressure between 90-100 psi.   
  • Measure pushrod travel.  
  • Inspect the anti-lock braking system (ABS) and malfunctioning lamp(s).  
  • Inspect low air-pressure warning devices. 

With proper brake inspections and service, you can help put a stop to CVSA vehicle maintenance violations and know that you are a part of making our roadways safer.