Fuel Efficiency Simplified

The high fuel cost still hits drivers hard—especially in the trucking industry. Let's take a look at was to increase fuel efficiency.
Fuel Efficiency

Everyone was talking about it. Everyone was feeling the pinch. From January to June 2022, the price of regular motor gasoline rose by 49%, and the cost of diesel fuel rose slightly more by 55%. Fortunately, the national average price for diesel slipped 3.5 cents to $4.247 a gallon, according to Energy Information Administration data released on March 13, 2023. Let’s take a look at was to increase fuel efficiency.

The high fuel cost still hits drivers hard—especially in the trucking industry which CRST knows all too well. As the prices of fuel rise, retailers that rely on trucks for delivery have no choice but to pass along the higher costs of the products and services they provide. What, then, can be done to help reduce the use and high fuel cost? 

Reduce cruise speed – every 1 MPH increase in speed results in a .14 MPG decrease in fuel economy. Slow down on the road to slow down the fuel you burn.

Take the shortest route – fewer miles equals lower fuel consumption, so take the shortest route for your trip.

Lessen the weight in your truck – the fewer items in your truck, the less your truck has to work. So, avoid any unnecessary items on your trip.

Check tire pressure – for every 1 PSI drop in pressure, your fuel mileage can be reduced by 0.3$. Be sure your tires are fully inflated at all times.

Use lower-cost gas stations – this is a no-brainer. Fill up at the lower-cost gas stations. Many trucking-specific GPS systems will plan your route to stop at these along the way.

Minimize idling – one hour of idling burns about a gallon of fuel. Only idle when necessary.

Don’t overfill the tank – when heated; fuel can expand. So, if you fill your tank above capacity, the expanded fuel can cause the tank to overflow and end up wasting fuel.

Go easy with braking – every time you slow down from braking, it takes more fuel to get back up to speed. Leave more distance between and the vehicle ahead of you to reduce braking.

Stay in higher gear – this maximizes fuel efficiency. Traveling faster in low gears can consume 45% more fuel than needed.

Keep load height low – the more evenly distributed the load, the less effort the truck will need to get moving and the less gas it will use.  The above are just a sample of things you can do to lower fuel consumption and the burdensome financial load. American Truck Business Services (ATBS) offers 20 tips you can use today and tomorrow.