Is truck driving the right job for you? Ask yourself these questions to find out

truck driving for CRST

Pursuing a career in trucking is a big decision. Is truck driving the right job for you? There are tons of trucking jobs available for aspiring drivers right now – but trucking isn’t a career for everyone. Truck driving is more than a career, in some respects, it’s a lifestyle. Consider what a day in the life of a truck driver looks like. Here are some questions to ask yourself before you choose to hit the open road as a truck driver:

Do you enjoy alone time?
This is a key question to ask yourself unless you plan on doing team driving. Truck drivers can spend days, or even weeks of solitude on the road. For some people, this isn’t an issue. If you enjoy alone time to reflect, listen to your favorite podcasts, or explore new places — trucking might be the right fit.

Are you punctual and organized?
You may not consider this at first, but truck drivers do have a lot of “paperwork” to fill out. Although it’s mainly digital now it’s up to you to log hours, keep track of deliveries made, meet deadlines, etc.

Are you a safe driver?
This may seem like a given if you’re considering a trucking career but take some time to really think about this question. Even if you always come to a full stop at stoplights and use your turn signals, driving a semi-truck comes with a completely separate list of safety precautions like leaving extra space in front of your rig in case anything goes wrong while driving in traffic, or staying in one lane for a majority of your driving time.

Are you comfortable with the time commitment?
This is a big one. Trucking involves a good amount of time on the road. It’s not a typical 9-5, Monday-Friday job. This can mean less time at home with family and friends, spending multiple days on the road, in your cab, alone. It’s also important to take unpredictable circumstances into account that could extend your time away from family on the road such as bad weather or if your truck breaks down — hopefully this never happens but it is a possibility!

Are you good at communication and stress-management?
Road rage and angry drivers are a given when you’re spending so much time on the road. It’s important to assess whether you’re someone who can handle those situations in a calm, cool, collected, and professional, manner. In addition, as a trucker, you will have to provide ongoing communication to your dispatcher as well as communicate effectively with shipping and receiving when you reach your destination. This may seem simple but after a long, stressful day on the road this can be challenging. You must be prepared to communicate in a consistent, professional manner, even when it’s difficult.

If you’ve answered yes to most of these questions, that’s great! Try talking to one of our experienced recruiters by calling 866-271-1054 and ask them some key questions about trucking as well. Finding the right trucking job for you is important; so, weigh your options and be sure to make a choice that fits your needs and lifestyle the best.