Louisville Shop is Injury-Free in 2023

CRST Louisville Shop diesel technicians posing in front of semi truck

CRST’s Louisville shop celebrated 365 consecutive days without an injury at the site on December 31, 2023. With a team of 17 technicians working seven days a week handling preventative maintenance and repairs, it’s an achievement rooted in routine.  

“Every Wednesday, we have a shop meeting, and the first thing we discuss is our safety protocols,” said Louisville Terminal Manager Justin Pedigo. “We talk wheel chocks, jack stands, safety glasses, and lockout and tagout every week. It’s about keeping these safety procedures top of mind for everyone.” 

In addition to recaps in team meetings, Pedigo and other managers do “safety walks” around the shop several times a day to ensure safety measures are being always followed.  

“I believe it’s important to communicate the expectations clearly,” said Pedigo. “You can’t expect anyone to meet expectations if you’re not clear about them, so I try to continually share information about what safety means here.” 

To celebrate this safety milestone, the shop grilled steak and shrimp for the team. “It was a nice way to recognize our technicians for their commitment to safety,” said Pedigo.  

As for Louisville’s next goal? Another year accident-free, of course!

To learn more about #IAMSAFETY at CRST, visit our website at CRST.com/Safety.