Trucking is becoming a viable career path for women

CRST strongly supports women who want to take on a trucking career. CRST feels that trucking is a viable career path for women.
Trucking is a viable career path for women

Traditionally, many people think of trucking as a career path that leans more towards men. However, at CRST, we strongly support women who want to take on a viable trucking career. In fact, according to a recent Wall Street Journal article, the American Trucking Association said the trucking industry saw a 68 percent increase in the number of female drivers from 2010 to 2018.

Here’s why:

A lot of the uptick we’re seeing in women truck drivers has to do with trucking companies breaking down barriers and stereotypes. Recently, trucking companies like CRST have been actively recruiting women; reassuring them they are not only welcome but wanted in the trucking industry.

In addition, small ergonomic changes have been made to the trucks themselves to better accommodate all body types; making it easier for women to drive with ease.

Equal pay is also a big motivating factor for women entering the trucking industry. The pay is good and there’s essentially no way for female drivers to make less than their male counterparts for doing the same amount of work since you’re either paid by the mile or by the load of the percentage. In administrative careers, it can be more difficult to determine whether or not women’s compensation is fair and equal for the amount of work they’re doing when comparing themselves to their male counterparts. With trucking, the pay scale is very transparent and leaves no room for human bias.

CRST helps women succeed in the trucking industry. Here’s how:

At CRST, we welcome women drivers. It’s our goal to make women drivers feel comfortable and secure in their trucking careers, which is why we provide various resources specifically for women truckers.

We’re also continuously adding women to our senior leadership team and have been actively adapting our trucking training procedures to be more accommodating and inclusive for women. In addition, we have a strict harassment policy that we implement to ensure all female truckers feel safe. To learn more about what we do for women in our workforce watch our CRST Women in Trucking YouTube video to hear from various women who work for CRST.

Visit our Women in Trucking webpage to hear first-hand stories from women who work at CRST. Shannon Williams, one of our truckers, says CRST is a great place to work. She also offers advice for women considering a trucking career, saying, “Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t, because you can. You can do anything you set your mind to. It’s an honorable, well-paying career that moves America.”

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