Why I Am Safe: Vicki York’s Renewed Commitment to Safety

For Vicki York, safety has always been a priority in her role at CRST. But after a life-changing event in 2023, her understanding of what it truly means to be safe took on a whole new level of importance. This unexpected experience reshaped her outlook, both personally and professionally, reminding her that safety isn’t just about following protocols -- it’s about protecting what matters most.
Vicki York, Safety Administrator at CRST, reflecting on her commitment to safety after her health scare in 2023.

“Because I have a lot of tomorrows to see” – Vicki York, Safety Administrator – Fort Wayne, Ind. 

For Vicki York, a life-changing health scare became the catalyst for a renewed focus on safety and a powerful reminder of the unwavering support from her work family. In 2023, while on vacation with her family, she experienced a sudden medical emergency that led to three months of testing and, eventually, open-heart surgery. 

The ensuing outpouring of love and care from friends, family and coworkers – who showed up with meals and well wishes – reminded her that safety and care are not just personal responsibilities, but collective ones. 

Since her recovery, Vicki says she has adopted a more mindful approach to life. She has slowed down and pays closer attention to her surroundings, whether at work or at home. “I have learned to stop and smell the roses,” Vicki says.  

“I don’t want to cut my life short because of something that could have been avoided”

Safety is about more than just following rules – it’s about valuing life and taking those extra few seconds to protect it. Like wearing PPE or using 3-points of contact on stairs. She reflects on her family’s longevity and how she could have many more years ahead. “I don’t want to cut my life short because of something that could have been avoided,” she says.   

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