March 8, 2021 commemorates International Women’s Day (IWD), and we want to share how much we appreciate the 100’s of women on our team, and to spotlight Karolyn Hutchison.
Freightwaves has found that women now make up 10% of the driving population and this number continues to rise every year. This important group of women are an inspiration to everyone in the industry through their leadership and strong work ethic. Not only do these women drive, but they provide mentorship and support for the other women who drive and overcome obstacles that may not be found non-trucking industries. Karolyn Hutchison is a wonderful example.
Karolyn Hutchison began working for CRST in 2004 as a student driver. Once training was completed, she drove a dedicated route for one of CRST’s largest customers, XPO, and has been for the last 17 years! Her Driver Manager, Scott, says Karolyn “is a wonderful communicator. She has been on my team for 17 years, and I would not trade her for anything!”

Impressively, Karolyn has driven 1.6 million miles accident free! Sadly, last year her co-driver and fiancé passed away. Together they completed 3.5 million miles without a preventable accident. She was committed to what she loves to do – driving. In spite of the adversity, she perserved and came back a few months ago as a mentor, training new CRST drivers, making a large impact on those drivers with her vast knowledge. She is now back on the road as part of a team and returned to her dedicated route.
A touching testimonial was sent in about Karolyn:
“I had the privilege to meet Karolyn, a million-mile safe driver, this year. One day I was walking in our training center, and I felt incredible energy and a positive vibe. I saw a well-spoken, engaging woman with three other women huddled around her in the middle of the lounge area. It was quite evident that they were hanging on to every word this leader was saying. This leader was Karol. While she had just met these women, she took the time to engage and mentor them into the trucking business. She was giving them advice on how to stay safe and how to be successful. She offered her heart and soul to them because she cared about their success as women in trucking.
The most amazing part is that Karol returned from some time away as she was grieving the loss of her fiancé and co-driver, Joe. When I asked her how she was doing, she responded, ‘Ok, but I knew I just needed to be back with my family. This is like home to me.’ I have to admit; tears started flowing all around. Karol embodies what it means to be a positive woman and role model. She gives her heart and soul to others and leaves a legacy that will continue for many generations.”
Perry Moser, VP-Driver Training & Development, says Karolyn is “a great asset to CRST and her opinion and expertise are relied on. We can trust her honest and accurate feedback to help drive our business forward.” Thank you, Karolyn, from all of us at CRST! You are so very appreciated.
At CRST, we salute Karolyn, and all of the women at CRST. If you would like to learn more about CRST and our strong support of our Women In Trucking visit: